A CMS component is a the base type of each component found on a page. A component can be as simple as a text paragraph or something more complex like a product rotating component. Each CMS components are made of three
things :
- an item that extends AbstractCMSComponent or one of its subtype
- a Spring MVC controller that extends AbstractCMSComponentController
- a JSP (or other front end technology) to render the component
(In Hybris 6.X) To customize how customized item types are rendered within the WMCS cockpit, you need to create
• editorArea_myType.xml
• contentEditor_myType.xml
• wizardConfig_myType.xml
Now in Commerce Cloud 1905 and greater version SmartEdit was introduced, Which will be explained later in the tutorial
How to create a cms component
In this example we will create a CMS component to display a reminder of order time limit if you want to be delivered on the following day.
Create a new item type :
<typegroup name="cloudnircms">
<itemtype code="CartSuggestionComponent" extends="SimpleSuggestionComponent"
autocreate="true" generate="true">
<description>Represents the suggestion component
that displays product references for each item in the cart.</description>
Create our controller :
@RequestMapping(value = ControllerConstants.Actions.Cms.CartSuggestionComponent)
public class CartSuggestionComponentController extends AbstractCMSComponentController<CartSuggestionComponentModel>
@Resource(name = "cartFacade")
private CartFacade cartFacade;
@Resource(name = "simpleSuggestionFacade")
private SimpleSuggestionFacade simpleSuggestionFacade;
protected void fillModel(final HttpServletRequest request, final Model model, final CartSuggestionComponentModel component)
if (cartFacade.hasSessionCart())
model.addAttribute("title", component.getTitle());
component.isFilterPurchased(), component.getMaximumNumberProducts()));
protected String getView(final CartSuggestionComponentModel component)
return ControllerConstants.Views.Cms.ComponentPrefix + StringUtils.lowerCase(SimpleSuggestionComponentModel._TYPECODE);
• Creating a controller is not mandatory, if you don’t create your custom controller then DefaultCMSComponentController will be used.
• It loads all attributes from the item type and load them into your model.
Create a JSP :
We need to create a JSP to display our cms component, create a new file
cloudnirstorefront / web / webroot / WEB-INF/ views / responsive / cms / cartsuggestioncomponent.jsp:
<%@ page trimDirectiveWhitespaces="true"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt"%>
<div class="ui-front">
<c:if test="${suggestions}">
<c:if test="${not suggestions}">
<fmt:message key="suggestions.missing"/>
Add this into your localization :
suggestions.missing = suggestions are missing
Run ant all, start your server and update your system, then run this (example
based on the electronic store front) :
$contentCatalogName=Electronics Content Catalog
INSERT_UPDATE CartSuggestionComponentComponent;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];name;message[lang=en];&componentRef;
;;cartSuggestionComponentComponent;Cart Suggestion Component Component;”Your Suggestion are Here”;cartSuggestionComponentComponent;
INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlot;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];name;active;cmsComponents(&componentRef)
;;Section1Slot-CartPage;Section1 Slot for Cart Page;true;cartSuggestionComponentComponent
You should now see your new CMS component under your Cart page.